'Mandragoria The Dark Wizard'
'Mandragoria The Dark Wizard'

Mandragoria is a Dark Wizard.
At least he would have you think that he is.
As with all Dark Wizards, image is everything.
Strangely though, Mandragoria is quite a hit with ladies (of all ages).
Maybe it's the brooding gaze, maybe it's the hint of danger, maybe they just can't resist a rogue!
Of course, a rogue is only ever as wicked as you desire him to be...
How Dark do you want him?
How wicked?

Mandragoria stands at 5 1/2 inches to the top of his head and just over 6 inches to the top of his wizard's hat.
(Sculpted from polymer clay)

Mandragoria is now living happily (for him), in Hertfordshire UK :o)

'Mandragoria The Dark Wizard'

Mandragoria is a Dark Wizard.
At least he would have you think that he is.
As with all Dark Wizards, image is everything.
Strangely though, Mandragoria is quite a hit with ladies (of all ages).
Maybe it's the brooding gaze, maybe it's the hint of danger, maybe they just can't resist a rogue!
Of course, a rogue is only ever as wicked as you desire him to be...
How Dark do you want him?
How wicked?

Mandragoria stands at 5 1/2 inches to the top of his head and just over 6 inches to the top of his wizard's hat.
(Sculpted from polymer clay)

Mandragoria is now living happily (for him), in Hertfordshire UK :o)